The Collection grows
Recent acquisitions
11 April 2014 - 8 June 2014
Valencians, c. 1908
© Colección Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza ongratuitous loan to the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga

Valencians, c. 1908
© Colección Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza ongratuitous loan to the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Eighteen works of different styles and periods swell the Museo Carmen Thyssen Collection with themes as important as Orientalism, the portrait or the nude. This presentation reaffirms the character of the Permanent Collection and proves that this is a living, constantly growing museum. As regards genre painting, the new acquisitions include examples from the Madrid and Seville schools, with works by such masters as Eugenio Lucas Velázquez, Eugenio Lucas Villaamil, Manuel Cabral Aguado Bejarano, Rafael Benjumea, José Roldán and Manuel Barrón y Carrillo.
An artist new to the Collection is the Valencian genre painter Prudencio Herreros Amat, while précieux painting is represented by Vicente Palmaroli. The colour and light typical of Sorolla can be seen in paintings by two of his disciples, Manuel Benedito and Julio Vila y Prades, both of whom have also been included in the Collection for the first time. Gonzalo Bilbao is also present with three new works displaying his loose, vibrant brushstrokes. And the work of two interesting, relatively unknown 20th-century artists, José Bardasano and Evaristo Valle, also joins the Collection for the first time.