Courses and lectures
Del 24 al 30 de marzo de 2014
Monday 24 March sees the start of Museums Week on Twitter. The Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga is taking part in this initiative as part of its ongoing aim of facilitating news ways of transmitting knowledge and of bringing the Collection to the widest range of visitors/users through the concept of “conversation” and a participative Museum.
Twitter is where users express their feelings, offer their opinions and make contact with others who share the same interests. Given the large number of cultural conversations taking place on this platform, Europe’s leading museums have joined together to launch @MuseumWeek, a unique interactive experience for art lovers.
#MuseumWeek has been launched with the aim of bringing people together with art, history and science in an innovative, interactive way, offering them direct access to some of the leading international museums and to the people involved in them.
In addition to offering their followers this multi-cultural project, through #MuseumWeek, museums will be discovering more people interested in the works in their collections and benefiting from a broader dialogue with all those who share their interests. Each day of the week will be devoted to a specific subject in order to steer the conversation and make following it easier with the hashtag #MuseumWeek. Cada día de la semana estará dedicado a una temática determinada para guiar la conversación y facilitar su seguimiento bajo el hashtag #MuseumWeek.
24 de marzo: Un día en la vida (# DayInTheLife)
25 de marzo: Pon a prueba tus conocimientos (# MuseumMastermind)
26 de marzo: La historia del museo (# MuseumMemories)
27 de marzo: Detrás de la escena (# BehindTheArt)
28 de marzo: Pregunte a los expertos (# AskTheCurator)
29 de marzo: Autoretratos en el museo (# MuseumSelfies)
30 de marzo: Impulsa la creatividad (# GetCreative)