Courses and lectures
Summer course Tourism: constructions and deconstructions
Del 08 al 10 de julio de 2015
Date and time:
8 to 10 July 2015
58 euros
In the mid-19th century, the middle-classes discovered the coast as a new social and leisure setting. It immediately became part of their daily life through summer holidays spent at spas and on the beach, which combined health treatments with holiday relaxation and social interaction.
This enjoyment of the sea gave rise to new habits, such as therapeutic sea bathing and a new type of dress, while it also shifted the location for social encounters to terraces, sea front promenades and casinos next to the beach. At the same time, painters of the day, who were influenced by Impressionism and interested in identifying outdoor subjects that would allow them to explore atmospheric effects, incorporated these new spaces and the life taking place in them into their work.
The exhibition Summer Days at the Museo Carmen Thyssen presents a wide-ranging survey of this social phenomenon, which spread to the whole of Europe and the United States and which represents the origins of the mass summer tourism that reached its peak in the 20th century. It also reveals the way in which leading international and Spanish artists such as Boudin, Monet, Cézanne, Fortuny, Sorolla, Pla and Pinazo interpreted and immortalised it from its origins to the mid-20th century.
Wednesday 8 July
4pm to 6.30pm
Constructing a new model of tourism in line with new trends
Inmaculada Martín Rojo
Professor, Escuela Universitaria-Facultad de Turismo. UMA
Thursday 9 July
9am to 11.30am
Action and reaction to the tourism phenomenon
Fernando Bayón Mariné
Director of the EOI
12 noon to 2.30pm
Cultural innovation and technology as the lever of change in 21st-century tourism
Jimmy Pons
Consultant, expert in Business Innovation
4pm to 6.30pm
Round table
From traditional tourism to new ideas: possible modes of co-existence
Jimmy Pons, Fernando Bayón Mariné, Inmaculada Martín Rojo, Lourdes Moreno.
Moderator: Lourdes Moreno
6.30pm to 7.30pm
Leisure locations and venues through the eyes of painters
Guided tour of the exhibition "Summer Days. From Sorolla to Hopper"
Lourdes Moreno
Artistic Director. Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Friday 10 July
9am to 11.30am
The leisure style. The influence of tourism on the architecture of the Costa del Sol.
A brief survey of vacational architecture
Diego Santos
Artist and author of "El estilo del relax"
12 noon to 2.30pm
Reflections on the deconstruction of a tourism destination: the case of Malaga and the Costa del Sol
Enrique Navarro Jurado
Department of Geography – Faculty of Tourism. UMA
Auditorium. Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga Plaza Carmen Thyssen (c/ Compañía 10) 29008 Malaga
Enrolment up to 72 hours before the start of this academic activity assuming places are still available.
How to enrol
1. Present enrolment form at the Campus de Málaga (Av. Severo Ochoa, 16-20. Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía. Málaga), duly filled out and accompanied by the following documentation:
a) Photocopy of D.N.I./N.I.E./passport
b) Proof of having paid the enrolment fee
2. On-line at Limited number of places. Places filled by strict order of date of enrolment
Payment method
a) By bank transfer or cash payment into the account: UNICAJA: ES76 2103 0287 65 0030000369
b) On-line at Banking costs to be paid by the applicant.
Instructions for enrolling are available at:
How to apply for funding
The Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga and the Escuela de Organización Industrial are offering 30 grants to cover the cost of enrolment for this summer course, Tourism: constructions and deconstructions
Applications for grants can be made up to 2 July
Successful applicants will be informed by phone and e-mail from 3 July.
Download grant application Download
Together with this application form, which should be left at the Information Desk of the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga, applicants should provide the following documentation:
·Personal letter setting out the reasons why the applicant requires a grant.
·CV (together with the official proof of the applicant’s academic qualifications)
·Official proof of the applicant’s personal/family situation (Large Family, physical disability, unemployed, etc)