Courses and lectures
Summer course: Pop on the battlefield
Del 01 al 03 de junio de 2016
Date and time:
1 to 3 June 2016
General public: 16 Euros
Reduce price for students of the UMA, Friends of the Museum and tourist guides: 8 Euros -
Público general
“Pop on the battlefield” is the title of the next summer course organised by the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga. Taking its starting point from the title of one of the works in the exhibition Reflections of Pop, the course will look at the reception of international Pop art in Spain in the 1960s and 1970s through the work of four artists whose output reveals the most coherent and consistent influence of that movement: Luis Gordillo, Eduardo Arroyo, Equipo Crónica and Equipo Realidad.
This three-day course will benefit from the participation of six experts on subjects associated with Spanish Pop art. Participants will be introduced to works produced in Spain from the 1960s to the 1980s. From the starting point of different disciplines and approaches ranging from aesthetics to art theory, art history, gender studies, graphic design and music, the course will offer a first-hand analysis of the influence of international Pop art in Spain and the way it was transformed, as well as the consequences it had for the renovation of the Spanish cultural scene.
Course director:
Lourdes Moreno. Artistic director, Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Wednesday 1 June
9.50am to 10am
Introduction to the course
10am to 12 noon
Equipo Crónica and the art of the 1960s
Tomás Llorens
Historian and art critic
12.30pm to 2.30pm
Female imagery in Pop
Lourdes Moreno
Artistic director, Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
6pm to 7.30pm
Guided tour of the exhibition Reflections of Pop
Lourdes Moreno
Artistic director, Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Thursday 2 June
10am to 12 noon
Simón Marchán Fiz
12.30pm to 2.30pm
Feminist discourses in Pop art in Spain under the Franco regime
Isabel Tejeda
Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Murcia
6pm to 8pm
Round table: Debating Spanish Pop
Luis Gordillo, Eugenio Chicano and Simón Marchan Fiz
Moderator: Lourdes Moreno
Friday 3 June
10am to 12 noon
Pop music versus Pop art. Interactions between the visual arts and pop music in Spain under the Franco regime
F. Javier Panera
Professor of Art Criticism and Recent Artistic Trends, University of Salamanca
12.30pm to 2.30pm
… and the Costa went Pop!
Javier Ojeda
Musician and author of “Una historia del pop malagueño (1960-2009)”
Auditorium. Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga, Plaza Carmen Thyssen (C/ Compañía 10) 29008 Malaga
Enrolment up to 72 hours before the start of the activity, subject to availability of places.
Enrolment procedure
1. Present the enrolment form (available from at the Registrar’s Office, Campus de Málaga (Edificio Mena-Italcable, Plaza de la Legión española, 1. 29007 Malaga), duly filled out and accompanied by the following documentation:
a) Photocopy of DNI/NIE/passport.
b). Printed proof of having paid the enrolment fee.
2. Self-enrolment: AUTOMATRÍCULA, available at:
Limited place numbers. Places filled in strict order of presentation of enrolment forms.
Note: students who fulfil the requirements for “reduced price” enrolment, must self-enrol as grant recipients (becarios). Documentation demonstrating proof of this status will subsequently be requested from them.
Payment method
a) By bank transfer or cash payment to the following account: LA CAIXA.
b) By credit/debit card if using AUTOMATRÍCULA
Certificates and credits
This course falls within the collaborative agreement between the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga and the UNIA. All those attending at least 80% of the course can request an Attendance Certificate.
Tel. 952 21 75 11
Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Plaza Carmen Thyssen (C/ Compañía 10)
29008 Malaga
Photo: Equipo Crónica. Socialist Realism and Pop Art on the Battlefield, 1969 (detail). Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
On temporary deposit from Manuel Valdés, 2010
In collaboration with the UNIA