Courses and lectures
DIM 2015. Museums for a sustainable society
17 de mayo de 2015
Date and time:
Dance Date and time: 17 May 2015, 12am venue: Plaza Carmen Thyssen Debate Date and tiem: 17 May 2015, 6pm Venue: Auditorio Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Free entry
Sustainable dance
In order to celebrate International Museums Day, which this year focuses on the theme of Sustainability in all its cultural, social, economic and ecological aspects, the Museum is collaborating with students from the Higher Conservatoire of Dance in Malaga, who will be performing different contemporary works with the collective title of “Sustainable Dance”.
Once again this year, the performances will take place in the Plaza Carmen Thyssen, making them accessible to all those visiting the Museum and to passers-by.
Young MCTM
Debate: Sustainability in Museums
In conjunction with International Museums Day, members of Young MCTM will be working with the University Debating Society and the Kairos collective in order to introduce to young people to the benefits and potential disadvantages of sustainability in museums.
After a debating session pro and contra the issue, members of Young MCTM will open up the question to the audience.