Courses and lectures
Invisible Friends – MCTM
Del 09 de junio al 10 de agosto de 2015
Summer Friends
Through its “MCTM Artists Residency. Young artist-educator”, the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga is inviting entries for “Invisible Friends”, which is aimed at all artists and cultural creators in the region and its surrounding areas. The application period is 9 to 25 June 2015.
All artistic disciplines can take part: the visual and audiovisual arts, music, literature, theatre, dance, curating, etc. No distinction will be made regarding qualifications or age, thus ensuring inclusive and wide-ranging participation. Candidates must commit themselves to coming to the Museum on three separate occasions, giving due notice beforehand.
This is an artist-based production project that makes use of the celebrated game “Invisible Friends” (see reference) as its modus operandi, representing a challenge to explore new creative processes that give rise to new ways of producing. The project will culminate in a group exhibition of all the works produced as part of it. The exhibition will take place on 31 July 2015 at the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga.
Application period
9 to 25 June 2015
Application period ended.
List of selected persons:
Sofía de Juan
Virginia Rota
Santiago Torres
Violeta Niebla
Laura Franco Carrión
Carmen González Castro
Alvaro Albaladejo
Cristina Ramírez Bueno
Lucas Alcántara
Alba Blanco
Aimed at:
Artists resident in Malaga or nearby and all those who can commit themselves to being present at the Museum on the principal dates established. All artistic disciplines are eligible and educational level and age will not be taken into account.
How to apply
Send a portfolio in pdf format of recent work and a short CV
Rules of entry
For more information consult the rules of entry Rules of entry
Education Area
Leandro Mosco
952 217 511