Courses and lectures
Exhibition “Mobile phone photography workshop” projects
Del 07 de julio al 02 de agosto de 2015
Date and time:
7 July to 2 August 2015
Free entry
This March, the Museum held its first mobile phone photography workshop, which aimed to introduce participants to creative photography using a phone as well as its design and retouching tools, thus seeing the mobile not just within an everyday context but as a possible resource for undertaking artistic projects.
The workshop was led by Míchelo Toro, director of the Aperture Photography School. Participants tried out ways of approaching photography through mobile phones, their gadgets and numerous apps.
The work produced by the participants is now on display in the walls&networks space in the Museum’s entrance hall.
The projects on display, which were produced over the course of a month in the Museum, reveal personal visions of the most diverse nature, allowing us to see the Museum through the participants’ eyes and with the spontaneity made possible by the new technologies.
walls&networks space. Entrance hall of the Museum