Courses and lectures
Christmas 2015 at the Museum
Del 03 al 18 de diciembre de 2015
Date and time:
3rd to 18th December 2015
3 December 2015
Presentation of the nativity scene
Concert performed by ESAEM at 7.30pm
The novel feature of the Museum’s nativity scene this year is that it is double the size. It will be on display to visitors until 11 January. The Malaga school of performing arts – Escuela Superior de Artes Escénicas de Málaga (ESAEM) – will give a concert at 7.30pm on the opening day.
4 December 2015
4th Meeting of Friends of the Museum
For the fourth year running, the Museum is hosting the 4th Meeting of Friends of the Museum, which will begin at 8.15pm with a concert performed by a string quartet. The Friends of the Museum programme allows participants to benefit from discounts, tickets for temporary exhibitions…
15 December 2015
Concert by Coro Discantus at 7.30pm
This choir has some 80 members and has established a reputation as an important music group over the course of 19 seasons. They have performed concerts in a host of countries and audio-visual platforms or programmes.
17 December 2015
Concert by the Orfeón Universitario at 7.30pm
This group, with more than 40 members, has performed a contemporary repertoire in recent years and was declared “in the public interest” in 2013.
18 December 2015
Poetry recital by the Asociación Arrabal at 6.30pm
Friday 18 December will be devoted to verse, with a poetry recital by Asociación Arrabal. This event will begin at 6.30 at the Palacio de Villalón.
Free entry until all seats filled (except the 4th Meeting of Friends of the Museum)