Courses and lectures
MCTM Artist’s Residency JAE (Young Artist-Educator) Starting point
Del 14 de abril al 04 de mayo de 2015
Starting point
The figure of the artist-educator is not new within the world of Museum education. On numerous occasions the artistic creativity and unprejudiced thinking of individuals focused on making art is a vital tool for achieving educational goals.
Nonetheless, it is also true that the involvement of artists in educational projects is too temporary in nature, preventing both the growth and development of their practices and a profound understanding of the educational processes that they implement.
The Education Department of the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga is encouraging the dual role of artist-educator by offering this artist’s residency, which is open to Spanish and non-Spanish artists working in any artistic discipline with the aim of involving the general public in concepts and processes characteristic of contemporary artistic creation.
Details of the J + A + E residency
The residency consists of a period of two months to be spent in the city of Malaga in order to undertake a creative-educational project specifically conceived to be carried out with the groups with whom the MCTM’s Education Department works. Please consult the Museum’s website.
In order to apply for the J + A + E residency, candidates should sent the following documentation by e-mail Closing date midnight of 4 May 2015:
-Curriculum and selection of (low resolution) images of artistic work produced and art-educational activities undertaken.
-Written text that explains the project to be undertaken, its general aims, the sectors of the public at whom it is aimed and a list of materials and/or technical equipment required. Each candidate can present only one project, which must be carried out in two phases: research-conceptualisation and execution.
-At the end of the project the artist-educator in residence must produce a report that sets out the preliminary stages, phases of the project, actions carried out and an overall assessment of the experience.
The Museum’s commitment
-Temporary, two-month contract for the work and services undertaken in order to execute the selected project. This will be a part-time position of 25 hours a week.
-Gross monthly salary of 1,000 Euros. In the case of a change of residence, an additional 200 Euros gross will be paid per month. A work space will be provided in the MCTM’s administrative building, available for use from 8am to 4pm.
-Participation in the educational activities offered in conjunction with the exhibition "Summer Days. From Sorolla to Hopper".
-Participation in the Museum’s educational programmes aimed at children and young people.
-Specialist advice on social art, critical pedagogy and work in the context of learning communities.
The artist in residence’s commitment
-The artist in residence will pay the cost of lodgings, although the Museum’s Education Department will offer help in finding an appropriate place to live in the Thyssen Zone near the Museum.
-The artist will be responsible for the organisation and costs of travel.
-The artist must develop the selected project within the period of the residence, which is set at 2 months, from 1 June to 31 July 2015.
-The artist’s rights that may arise as a result of the project undertaken during the residence period will be of the Creative Commons type.
-The selected artist agrees to collaborative with any promotion undertaken by the Museum with the aim of drawing attention to this project.
The selection committee
Tecla Lumbreras
Art curator and professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Malaga
Gema del Corral
Deputy Councillor for Culture and the City Centre of the City Council of Malaga
Salomón Castiel
Director of La Térmica (provincial government of Malaga)
Lourdes Moreno
Artistic Director of the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Eva Sanguino
Head of Education, Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
The artist selected for the residency will be informed by telephone and e-mail. The appointment will be made public on the Museum’s website.
Results of the selection process
The Selection Committee has awarded the “MCTM Artist’s residency. Young artist-educator” to Leandro Mosco for the project he will be undertaking entitled “Invisible Friends”.