
The Fundación Palacio de Villalón is a foundation of a cultural character and a non-profit organization whose main mission is the maintenance, conservation, promotion and public display of the Carmen Thyssen Bornemisza Collection. This is achieved by managing the Museum which houses the aforementioned collection and developing a programme of complementary cultural and social activities. The maintenance and conservation of the building complex that the city of Malaga has assigned to the Museum is also part of its mission.
The Foundation was founded in Malaga, on March 31st, 2009. It is a private foundation that works at regional level with national and international protection, and is governed by Law 50/2002 of December 26th, covering Foundations, and Law 10/2005, dated 31st May, covering Foundations in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia. It is registered in the Register of Andalusian Foundations under No. MA-1248/2010, and has its registered office in Malaga at calle Compañía, no. 10. Its Tax ID is G-93003150
Statutes of Palacio de Villalón foundation (Download PDF)
Members of the Board of Trustees (Download PDF)-
D.ª Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza
Vice President:
D. Francisco de la Torre Prados
Board Members:
D. Don Guillermo Cervera Señalada D. Antonio Pedraza Alba D.ª María Trinidad Hernández D.ª María Ana Pineda Carbó D.ª Rubén Viruel del Castillo D.ª Antonio Alfonso Alcázar Díaz D. Nicolás Sguiglia D.ª M.ª Elvira Rodríguez Herrer D.ª Teresa Sauret Guerrero D. Guillermo Solana Díez
Board Members:
D.ª Alicia E. García Avilés
Artistic Director:
D.ª Lourdes Moreno Molina
Managing Director:
D. Javier Ferrer Morató
- Act nº 1. 03/27/2023 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 11/10/2023 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 1. 03/21/2022 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 11/30/2022 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 1. 01/14/2021 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 11/17/2021 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 1. 04/03/2020 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 12/04/2020 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 1. 03/29/2019 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 06/13/2019 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 3. 10/10/2019 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 1. 03/20/2018 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 11/22/2018 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 1. 04/05/2017 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 10/06/2017 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 1. 03/01/2016 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 2. 06/16/2016 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 3. 09/26/2016 (Download PDF)
- Act nº 4. 11/19/2016 (Download PDF)
The most recent Acts of the Museum’s Board of Trustees
Delegated committee
Members of the Appointed Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Fundación Palacio de Villalón (Download PDF)