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Series 'Flamenco as modern Bohemia'. Lecture 'The Introduction of Flamenco into the School Curriculum'
Series 'Flamenco as modern Bohemia'. Round table 'Flamenco fashion in the Colección Carmen Thyssen'
Monographic course 'In search of Paradise. A History of idyllic Landscape'. Lecture: 'Impressions of Eden'
Monographic course 'In search of Paradise. A History of idyllic Landscape'. Lecture: 'Paul Gauguin, Voyage to the Edge of the World'
Monographic course: 'In search of Paradise. A History of idyllic Landscape'. Lecture: ' Westerns. North American Landscape: between Myth and Reality
Monographic course: 'In search of Paradise'. Lecture: 'Paradises and Arcadias. The Idyllic Landscape up to the 18th century'
Paradises and Landscapes in the Carmen Thyssen Collection. From Brueghel to Gauguin
Discoveries (Voices of Memory)