Family activity: Cowboys and Indians
From January 15 to March 19, 2017
Days and times:
15, 21 and 28 January 2017
12 February 2017
(check availavility and dates)Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 1pm.
Information and enrolment:
Booking and information by phone, 952217511
4 Euros per participant
Reduced price for Large Families, Nacid@s 2011 programme and Friends of the Museum: 3 Euros per participant -
Children aged 6 and 12 accompanied by relatives or adults responsible for them. Maximum 20 people per group
What ideas come to mind when we think about Cowboys and Indians?
Where do these images come from?
This workshop-visit for families based around the temporary exhibition The Image of the Wild West transports us to a legendary time and place, not just through written accounts but also and principally through film.
Participants will explore the landscapes of the American West and focus on some of its tribes and best known figures with the aim of asking ourselves if its history really was the way it has been presented to us.