Co-laboratory Activity
Applications now open for the MCTM Artist in residence/educator
From February 02 to March 26, 2017
Days and times:
Presentation of applications: 2 February to 26 March 2017
Information and enrolment:
To present an application for the artist’s residency, the necessary documents must be sent by e-mail to:
More information on tel: (+ 34) 952 217 679 -
Artist/educators and artists, both Spanish and international, whose practice in any discipline aims to involve the general public in the concepts and procedures characteristic of contemporary creation.
The Education Department of the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga is committed to encouraging the dual facet of the artist/educator by offering this residency, which is open to both Spanish and non-Spanish creators whose practice in any discipline aims to involve the general public in the concepts and procedures characteristic of contemporary creation.
Details of the residency
The residency consists of a stay lasting two months in the city of Malaga in order to carry out a creative/educational project specifically devised for implementation with the groups with which the Museum’s Education Department habitually works.
Please consult the Museum’s website:
In order to apply for the residency, the documentation specified below must be sent by e-mail to the following address: educación@carmenthyssenmalaga no later than 26 March 2017 at 11.59pm (23.59).
1. In a single document, the candidate for the residency must include:
his/her cv, a selection of images in low resolution of artistic work and artistic/educational projects already undertaken and the project to be carried out at the Museum, stating its overall aims, the public at whom it is aimed, the time-frame for its realisation and the materials and/or technical team envisaged for producing it. Each candidate can only present a single project, which must involve two phases: research/conceptualisation and execution. The Museum reserves the right to contact candidates to resolve any doubts relating to their projects.
2. In a second document of one sheet of paper only, the candidate must present a brief summary of the project to be carried out.
The Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga will offer:
- A temporary contract covering the artist in residence’s project and work undertaken for the two months required to create the chosen project. Working hours will be part-time, 25 hours a week.
- A gross salary of 1,000 Euros per month. Should it be necessary to move home to undertake the residency, this will rise to 1,200 Euros per month gross.
- A working space in the Museum’s administrative building, available on weekdays from 8pm to 4pm.
- Participation in the activities of the Museum’s Educational programme aimed at children and young people.
- Specialist advice on social art, critical pedagogy and on working in learning-based communities.
The artist in residence will be responsible for:
- Cost of lodging and food.
- Organisation and cost of travel.
- Developing and carrying out the selected project within the specified time frame of 2 months from 1 June to 31 July 2017.
- The artist’s rights arising from the result of the project undertaken during the residency will correspond to COPY-LEFT.
- The selected artist agrees to collaborate with any actions that the Museum may undertake to promote the project in question.
- At the end of the project, the resident artist/educator must produce a report that summarise the preceding phases, steps undertaken, actions carried out and an overall evaluation of the experience.
- Should the selected artist not be Spanish or from a European Union country, his/her residency will be dependent on obtaining the required legal permission to be employed in Spain.
Announcing the result
El jurado ha decidido otorgar la Residencia de Artista Educador MCTM a Alejandro Robles por el proyecto Trabajar el arte trans-disciplinar.