Pensamiento y debate
Monographic course "arteLOVEcartel"
From January 19 to February 17, 2016
Days and times:
Lectures: Tuesdays, from 6pm to 8pm
Guided tour: Wednesdays from 6pm to 8pm
From 21 December 2015 to 19 January 2016
Tuesdays to Sundays, from 10am to 7.30pm at the Museum’s ticket office. -
Information and enrolment:
0.5 credits ECTSMuseo Carmen Thyssen Málaga
Plaza Carmen Thyssen (C/Compañía 10)
29008 MálagaTel. 952 217 511 -
Students of the UMA and Friends of the Museum: 8 euros
General public: 16 euros
Includes free access to the temporary exhibition for the duration of the course.Attendance of one lecture plus admission to the temporary exhibition: 4.5 euros (general) and 2.5 euros (reduced).
Público general
The Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga is holding a monographic course entitled ‘art LOVE poster’ in connection with the exhibition 'Artists’ Posters. From Toulouse-Lautrec to Jeff Koons'. For more information or enrolment send us an email to
The spread of advertising and businesses’ need to communicate with audiences following the Industrial Revolution led to the production of posters of an increasingly high technical and aesthetic standard at the end of the 19th century. Especially in bohemian Paris, a generation of emerging artists made poster design their profession – not only a means of continuing to create their pictorial art but also a way of exploring constantly evolving techniques such as lithography.
The work of these artists – among them Toulouse-Lautrec, Mucha and Bonnard – together with the early avant-garde, is one of the points of departure for redefining the boundaries of the art world. In the hands of 20th-century artists, the poster went from being a mass-produced product of little value to a fascinating medium on account of its reproducibility, its unstoppable technical development and its ability to convey messages and foster change.
The ‘art LOVE poster’ cycle is taught by five representatives from the world of art and culture, who will examine all aspects of posters: from the dissemination and accumulation of information to the harmonisation of the languages of art and advertising, as well as the technical notion of production and reproduction and, of course, the significant value of image.
Tuesday 19 January
Endless borrowings: art, advertising and counter-advertising activism through its images
Raúl Rodríguez Ferrándiz
University of Alicante
Tuesday 26 January
Magritte versus Magritte. Dispute between signs and images
Luis de Puelles Romero
University of Malaga
Tuesday 2 February
Making Of of posters
Enrique González
Prado workshop and 'Enigma' magazine
Tuesday 9 February
At the boundary of the poster. Advertising devices in early avant-garde art
Lourdes Moreno
Artistic Director, MCTM
Tuesday 16 February
Art and poster. A mirrored gaze
José Piqueras
University of Alicante
Wednesday 17 February
Tour of the exhibition by José Piqueras and Lourdes Moreno