Co-laboratory Activity
From 09 to February 09, 2017
Days and times:
9 February, 16 March and 6 April 2017, from 6 to 8pm
Information and enrolment:
952 217 511 -
Free activity prior booking
Aimed at: educators in the State and non-official education systems and all those interested in education.
EducaLab is a space open to critical reflection on Education, both from within and outside cultural institutions, and to the formulation of new pedagogical practices and the creation of research networks on Education in museums and educational centres.
During last term’s sessions participants in EducaLab continued with already initiated work on creativity as a tool and educational goal, bringing the concepts and experience of artist and educator Javier Abad to this debate.
Once again this year our aim is to encourage relations between different educational centres and to facilitate their participation in a shared project of learning and mutual support from the starting point of a group construction of content, context and experience around Education.